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Natural recipes for skin whitening

 Natural recipes for skin whitening

Natural recipes for skin whitening

Skin lightening and bleaching creams may have some harmful side effects, so some beauty houses are now turning to returning to nature with their safe ingredients. Specialists say that there are many natural masks that help lighten and whiten the skin. Among them: • An egg yolk and benzoate mask. It consists of the yolks of 3 eggs, 15 drops of benzoate dye, and 15 drops of olive oil. The ingredients are mixed well, then the face and neck are painted with a brush. The mask is left on the face for at least half an hour, then it is removed with a wet cloth and the area is removed. Apply boric solution around the eyes, then wipe the face and neck with rose water to refresh. • Egg white mask is used to whiten normal skin that does not suffer from allergies. This mask contains one egg white, 5 drops of lemon juice, and 10 drops of oxygenated water. Mix the ingredients well, then paint the face and neck with a brush, then remove the mask after only 10 minutes with water. • Coffee mask with flour. This mask is used to whiten normal skin. This mask contains 3 tablespoons of pure flour, an appropriate amount of coffee, fresh milk, a teaspoon of oxygen, and the juice of one lemon. These ingredients are added to each other and mixed well until a paste is formed and placed on the skin. This mask is left on the skin. The skin for 20 minutes, then remove with warm water.
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